Quality CSA Available in the Tamworth Region

Quality Composted Soil Amendments and Wood Mulches

BioCarbon Soil assists Renew Organics and Tamworth Regional Council to produce quality Composted Soil Amendments (CSA) and Wood Mulches at 123 Forest Road, North Tamworth. We monitor the process, sample every batch, and review the results of laboratory testing to ensure compliance and to understand the best uses for the products. We are also available to provide advice on how to use the CSA and mulch to achieve the best results.

The products that are available include:

  1. Composted Soil Conditioner (fine and black)
  2. Coarse Wood Mulch (chunky and woody)
  3. Fine Wood Mulch (small sticks and wood fines)

The Tamworth CSA is a matured compost that has undergone at least 6 weeks of continuously aerated composting and at least 6 weeks of maturation in windrows. During the composting process the organics are turned at least 5 times and temperatures of more than 55 degrees centigrade are measured after each turn to ensure pasteurisation (absence of viable weed seeds and suppression of pathogens). The soil conditioner has passed a 15mm screen.

Total nutrient content of the Composted Soil Conditioner is typically: Carbon 18%, Nitrogen 1.7%, Phosphorus 0.7%, Potassium 0.7%, Calcium 3.5% and Magnesium 0.5% (of dry weight). As with all composts, some of these nutrients release more slowly than others.

Click here for more information on the products available from this facility. Tamworth Regional Council

Small quantities <5 tonnes are available for collection from bays provided by Tamworth Regional Council in the Community Recycling Centre. Simply visit the Site at 123 Forest Road, North Tamworth with your trailer, utility, or small truck, and ask the weighbridge operator for directions.

Commercial quantities of 5 tonnes or more can be ordered by contacting us via phone or email. Discounts are available when purchasing in bulk. Laboratory test results for the CSA supplied are available on request. Blending with other soil conditioning materials like Aglime is available on request. We can also organise to deliver and spread quantities of 30 tonne or more (truck loads).

For more information download Tamworth CSA Costs and Benefits

Register you interest in Quality CSA

Phone us for more information: 0466 411 241

Contact us today and start your partnership, creating the highest quality organic product.